東京でマッサージの出張をご希望でしたら東京アモールにご連絡ください。当店は東京23区を中心に洗練されたセラピストが今すぐお伺いします。ご予約 03-6806-5553 日中から深夜まで営業中。もみほぐし・アロマトリートメント・足つぼ・タイ古式マッサージで身体のお疲れを癒してください。

Massage on a trip to Tokyo

Massage on a trip to Tokyo

There are many people who travel to Tokyo and would like to have a massage in their hotel room. When you are in such a mood to be healed, please contact AMOR for business trip massage. You can receive a massage together with your family, friends, or couples on a family trip or company trip. If you are tired from walking and sightseeing, or if you are feeling tired from your daily activities, please contact Tokyo Amor. Our highly skilled therapists will come to you quickly and provide you with a blissful relaxation time.

Click here to make a reservation

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Web Reservation

お電話でのご予約・お問合せ TEL 03-6806-5553 受付時間 12:00 - 5:00

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